Öffnungszeiten für Maritim Parkhotel in Schwetzingerstadt

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Adresse Maritim Parkhotel in Mannheim

Maritim Parkhotel
Friedrichsplatz 2
68165 Mannheim (Schwetzingerstadt)
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Bewertungen für Maritim Parkhotel

May be there are more efficient hotel receptions. 10 minutes waiting for check-in?!

Quelle: foursquare
I really don't want to take anything with me from this hotel room. It's old and small. There is no level of service or kindness. There is only 1 reason to be there and that is the bar with live music!

Quelle: foursquare
Confirmed. I am already waiting for more than 10 minutes

Quelle: foursquare

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